Smart Planning For That Super Busy Life

Life gets hectic from time to time. Right now I’m writing this post while my car is in the bay at Firestone. I’ve had a sensor out for about 3 weeks, and needed to carve out some time to get it checked out. After this, I need to stop back by my flat, grab lunch […]

Insanitek Training Principles

In my effort to define the principles that are the building blocks of Insanitek, I have been focusing on hiring and training. We are currently at that spot of growth, so that’s what is at the forefront of my mind. After all, growth of a company largely depends on the quality of all its people. […]

Insanitek Hiring Principles

I remember sitting with my grandfather as he would mull over applications. He owned a small family operated Amoco Gas Station franchise. My mother and grandmother did the bookkeeping for years. There were a few men that worked on the cars that would come in for repairs, and a few ever-revolving set of teens that […]

Use Your Competitors to Help You Grow?

In the last few years the play between competitors have caught my attention. Uber/Lyft vs Taxis. PayPal/Square vs banks. Online only vs brick and mortar. SubscribeStar vs Patreon. Vidme/BitChute vs. YouTube. They all have fascinated me whether the new comers have succeeded or failed for the lessons they teach. There are two major themes I […]

Last Year vs This Year

I’m disappointed in myself. Last year was supposed to be great. Insanitek was supposed to grow by leaps and bounds. I was supposed to get out and shake things up, getting new clients, taking the world by storm. But of course I didn’t. I got wrapped up in the day to day tasks of systems, […]

Working with Gifted Children

The term “gifted” when it comes to children indicates that the individual has a high value in one way, such as having a high IQ or a high social IQ, but not well both. It’s often said that they are “bright” or “highly intelligent” but they have a learning disability.  Which learning disability? Well, that’s still up […]

3 Words for 2019

The magic of three words, Insanitek, and how I’m planning of making it happen. Oh, it’s time to defeat that ADHD while growing the company and self.

ADHD Secrets to an Organised Life

There is no denying that I’m a woman, and I spend a large majority of time cleaning and organising. (Lab gear counts, right?) But I have a confession to make: I’m not the most organised person in the world. And, despite my disciplined upbringing of cleaning every Saturday morning before I could go play, sometimes […]

Do Only The Essentials?

This past month has been chaos. My birthday, a mini vacation that my husband planned, jury duty two weeks in a row, and the insanity of trying to stay on top of the things that absolutely needed to be done on top of it. Before this, though, I listened to an audiobook called Essentialism: The […]

Hitting The Wall of Incompetence

We can’t be the best at everything we try. We can be good, or even great at many things. But, we can never be the best, infallible and constant in that perfection. Eventually we’ll find a balance. We rise to the level of incompetence. This was explored in the 1969 book called “The Peter Principle” […]