The Work-Life Seesaw Archives - Page 3 of 5 - Grace Conyers

November comes to an end (early) + Travelling research

Ok, I know that November is not officially over yet. However, it is for me and blogging here. With the holidays around the corner and meeting family time demands, I know I’m not going to have much time to write. Alas, I wish I didn’t.  If you’ve known me for long, you know I’m not […]

Restructuring hiatus

Hey, everyone! My seasonal job ended, then my semester ended at Kaplan. Thus, my brain is in need of a vacation. I’m taking this week to restructure my schedule, realign my goals, get some more blog post ideas, and generally get all the gears lubricated. Oh, and drink lots of tea. Lots and lots and […]

October was a blur [Monthly update]

One of the pleasures of life is packing it full of things to do, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t painful. In the month of October I held 4 jobs. That’s right, four. During the day on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday I worked at Rosie’s Gardens. The evenings on Monday and Wednesday were spent teaching […]

5 tips for conquering doubt

Forgive me for not sugar-coating reality, but running an alt-path is more difficult than you might imagine — doubly so when you set out to do it purposefully. Why? It’s because it’s not the “normal” path, and often people will question you. They will question why you’re doing something, how you’re doing something, make constant […]

Life exeriences are viable lessons

Sometimes life doesn’t work out like you want while you’re moving from one thing to another. Usually, when everything seems to start crashing down, it’s not because you aren’t trying to keep it together, but rather because something unexpected happened. It could be that an experiment failed, your car broke, down, or that the computer […]

Don’t wish for it, work for it.

Over the last few months I’ve begun to embrace this phrase. It started off as a way to remind myself to run an extra block (or at least limp through it), and then keep going. I figured I wasn’t going to get any healthier if I was lazy. So, I pushed myself to do my […]

Monthly check in

Part of the reason this blog was created was to give Insanitekians and the public more insight to myself. I got away from that in some fashion because I wanted to give people more useful information. However, when our PR department discovered what I was up to, they pointed it out and begged me to […]

How to transition to the alt-path of your dreams

Two and a half years ago I moved to Indianapolis with a very different thought process. I left Purdue near the end of my master’s degree with the intent to finish up remotely while working at your every day, average company doing something I love and working on Insanitek idly in my spare time. It […]

Fear of Walking Alternative Paths

Life is not about stability, it’s about chance. It’s about love, learning, mistakes, falling then picking ourselves back up. It’s about laughing at those mistakes when we’re older. We can rationalise this in our off time, but when it comes to our career choices we have a tendency to think traditional choices for stability’s sake. […]

The past is the past: Stop holding yourself back

All too often I’m asked what inspires, motivates, and drives me forward. After all, there are mornings when I, if I let it, I could be paralysed by fear of failure, of ending up homeless again. Yet I drag my near lifeless carcass out of bed and move on about the day. Sometimes I work […]