Inspirations Archives - Grace Conyers

Lessons on Diversity and Activism from George Takei

For the first time in years I went on a bona fide date. Travis and I got tickets to see George Takei speak on diversity at Butler University, so we dressed up on one of the coldest nights of February and headed out of the house to celebrate a late Valentine’s Day date. We knew […]

Tales of Transition with Mallie Rydzik

Mallie Rydzik is a life coach, writer, and speaker that works with overeducated, yet underfilled Millennials to achieve a work-life balance and turn skillsets into a thriving online business. She speaks from the heart and experience in equal measures after in her 3rd year of her Ph.D. program she had a mental health breakdown, which […]

Life exeriences are viable lessons

Sometimes life doesn’t work out like you want while you’re moving from one thing to another. Usually, when everything seems to start crashing down, it’s not because you aren’t trying to keep it together, but rather because something unexpected happened. It could be that an experiment failed, your car broke, down, or that the computer […]

Fear of Walking Alternative Paths

Life is not about stability, it’s about chance. It’s about love, learning, mistakes, falling then picking ourselves back up. It’s about laughing at those mistakes when we’re older. We can rationalise this in our off time, but when it comes to our career choices we have a tendency to think traditional choices for stability’s sake. […]

The past is the past: Stop holding yourself back

All too often I’m asked what inspires, motivates, and drives me forward. After all, there are mornings when I, if I let it, I could be paralysed by fear of failure, of ending up homeless again. Yet I drag my near lifeless carcass out of bed and move on about the day. Sometimes I work […]

Today I cried. Today I was given a real chance.

For many years my life has been an ongoing struggle to make something of myself and make my dreams come true. I’m stubborn, determined, often penniless, and resilient.  I often thought this is the way it was going to be due to the fact that the world runs on money, which just happened to be […]

From Science with Love

I love science. I love science so much that I seek every opportunity I can to share the knowledge that science can bring, as well as how it can be used. Most notably, every week I tutor kids in math and science. Kids will be kids, and they want their homework done so they can […]

What the Gladiators of Calico have taught me about business

The Gladiators of Calcio Storico are men with a deep story of redemption, love, and fear. They are astoundingly human on and off the field. It’s easy to see the brutality in this sport, but when one looks beyond it to what drives these men to play Calico they see every range of the human […]