alternative paths Archives - Grace Conyers

It takes guts to live life by your rules

It feels like we are often fighting an unending balance between what is expected of us and what we want to truly do. It’s a war between cultural traditions with all the expectations to go with it and the desire to break the status quo and reach higher. Why? From the time we are born […]

Reasons why you should follow an alt-path

In the last two blogs I’ve talked about fear and obstacles that are standing in your way to creating a life you love. Even though I gave you encouragement to find the ways around those blocks that may come to your mind, I didn’t give you a good reason to really follow an alternative path […]

Obstacles that stand in the way of alt-path followers

Carving out an alt-path you can enjoy is often not easy. It’s not just the fear of what may happen, but the obstacles that pop up along the way. The normal, established paths require you to have degrees in this or that, a bundle of certifications, and a few years to decades of experience to […]