Overcoming obstacles Archives - Page 3 of 4 - Grace Conyers

Learning to Take Flight [Interview with Jeff Goins]

All of my students have heard me quoting from Art of Work lately, and I’ve even mentioned here on the blog once. On Goodreads it has 4.3 stars and lots of good reviews, it even hit the USA Today and Amazon best seller lists. Lots of people are talking about this book and very excited. Why all […]

What are you afraid of?

It’s one thing to say it takes courage and guts to do something, but it’s another to move past it and actually do it. I remember my first business. I sold fresh, homemade bread to the local geriatric that had troubles getting around. The idea was born out of love for an old woman’s stories […]

The beauty of MOOCs

Author’s note: While we are on the subjects of MOOCs and how they can help us grow, I wanted to dig out my post that originally appeared on AAAS MemberCentral. This is practically in it’s original form, with only a few minor updated information.  Massive open online courses, MOOCs, are creating quite a stir. Bill Gates thinks […]

Dealing with negative people

Most people at this time of year have made themselves promises. This year I will _______.  This year is the year for _________.  You have your best intentions in mind, and you’ve even go through all the advice and exercises that will help you succeed. It starts off well enough, but then, slowly, something niggles […]

Organising the lab, home, office, and life

Life seems to happen no matter what you do. At the end of November I had all these great plans for what I was going to do between then and Christmas. Then, as I was starting to write lists of things to accomplish, in steps life and demands I take a break. OK, not a break […]

5 tips for conquering doubt

Forgive me for not sugar-coating reality, but running an alt-path is more difficult than you might imagine — doubly so when you set out to do it purposefully. Why? It’s because it’s not the “normal” path, and often people will question you. They will question why you’re doing something, how you’re doing something, make constant […]

Don’t wish for it, work for it.

Over the last few months I’ve begun to embrace this phrase. It started off as a way to remind myself to run an extra block (or at least limp through it), and then keep going. I figured I wasn’t going to get any healthier if I was lazy. So, I pushed myself to do my […]

Spare time, spare change

One of the huge obstacles in creating your own alternative path and business is money. Everything, and I do mean everything, costs you something. It costs you time or it costs you money. Often times it costs you a large quantity of both. Bootstrapping has its appeal in the pride of the business being all […]

Don’t quit yet; hit reset instead.

We are what we believe we are. This simple quote by C.S. Lewis holds a great deal of truth. When we believe we are something, we act it repeatedly. Eventually, by repetition, we become what we believe we are. Stop for a second and think about the last time you had to hype yourself up, […]

Organisation is the key to homework success

I was a chaotic, unorganised child — as most children with full schedules are. I had things to do, places to be, and the last thing I wanted think about was that stray paper from math class, the packet from social studies, let alone the list of items to do from all of my classes […]