Organisation Archives - Grace Conyers

empty committee room

Should I Join a Committee?

Being on a committee can be a great way to give back to others and build your professional and personal network. But, with time being as precious as it is, how do you find the right fit? There are 5 things to take into consideration.

ADHD Secrets to an Organised Life

There is no denying that I’m a woman, and I spend a large majority of time cleaning and organising. (Lab gear counts, right?) But I have a confession to make: I’m not the most organised person in the world. And, despite my disciplined upbringing of cleaning every Saturday morning before I could go play, sometimes […]

Getting and Staying Organised Is A Myth

I can already hear the cries now: “Sacrilege!” from the Love-to-Organise-Everything crowd, “Click-bait!” the hopeful naysayers scream. And yet, here you are reading this in hopes that you’re not the only lost cause in a world of cute, hand-made labels with their matching, over priced storage bins. My office is a testament to what happens […]