In my last post I made a note about how much fun I was having making things for the holiday. I also made a note of how if it looks like a scene from “Dexter”, it was even more hilariously fun for me.

My counter after making raspberry filled bread “flowers”. Which are like cinnamon rolls, but turned on their side.
Of course, this got people asking what I was making, and if they could have the recipe.
YES! Though, with a caveat. If you make it, you have to tell me what flavour(s) you used, and if they were any good so I can branch out. 🙂
The following recipe is for the “Festive Raspberry Rolls” from the bread machine book I’ve had for nearly a decade, but goes by the name Betty Crocker’s Best Bread Machine Cookbook. So, clearly this is a bread machine recipe, but it can also be made the old fashion way in a bowl with some elbow grease if you’re more inclined for it.
After the dough is done, you’ll need to turn it out onto a floured surface. The dough will be sticky, so don’t go lightly on the flour at first. Roll it out to about 15×11″ or so, then spread some jam in the centre. Make sure to stay at least 1/4 inch from the sides, or you’ll end up with a huge mess that loses most of the jam — see the Dexter-esque scene above.
Note: The first recipe I made used only soft raspberry jam, which gave it a light flavour. My fiancé said he wanted something that packed more of a flavour punch, so we tried cherry jam the next time around. I thought the cherry was too strong; he loved it.
After you’ve added the jam, roll it up as neatly as possible. You’ll be cutting along the length, so have it oriented in a way that’s easy to slice through.
You’ll be putting these into a greased muffin tin, with either side up. Finally, you’ll be giving them four quick snips to create a “flower” look to the rolls.
Let ’em rise for a while until double, then stick them in an oven at 375°F for ~15 minutes or until golden brown.
Nutritional info? I’m not sure, but I can guarantee they aren’t going to be good for your waist-line in large quantities.