Resolution Challenge Archives - Grace Conyers

Keeping your Resolution Challenge [Day 6]

Like it or not, we humans are fickle critters. We think of our rewards as being our motivation — and yes, that works for long-term motivation, but in the mean time, we’ve got a short attention span. Frankly, that’s just how we mere humans are hardwired to be a little more short-sighted and easily distracted […]

Keeping the Resolution Challenge [Day 4]

In Days 1 and 2 you set up your goal and priorities, in Day 3 you started to take a look at the bigger picture. Now, in Day 4, we are tackling the action. For every major goal in life, you must have a plan of action to make it happen. If you don’t have a […]

Keeping the Resolution Challenge [Day 3]

Welcome to day 3 of the Resolution Challenge! In Day 1 you set your priorities and motivation for your big goal this year, and in Day 2 you made it go from a mere wish to something that’s tangible and actionable. Today you are going to make a plan on how you are going to […]

Keeping the Resolution Challenge [Day 2]

It’s still the first real week back after the holidays, so you’re still wound up and ready to go. But, something’s giving in the background. I’ve seen it happening already here in Indianapolis while the numbers in the gym plummeted after our first big snow: It’s called life. Something happened, and people are already starting […]

Keeping the Resolution Challenge [Day 1]

As the holidays end and we recover from the festivities, we make ourselves promises. We make all sorts of promises from the most infamous of losing weight to somewhat common ones of enjoying life more to the very rare of doing something for others. And, if you are anything like most people, you make promises […]